Topic 3: Reflection

Researching  this topic has made me realized what great importance our digital profiles hold on the impressions others have of us. Of course, developing a professional digital profile that stands out does not happen immediately. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. However, if done carefully over a substantial period of time, many doors will be opened and opportunities will be abound.


(Source: Pexels)

Elvina’s post taught me about how blogging, could be a optional yet valuable tool in helping me elevate my digital status. She talked about how through blogging, one is able to control the content that he wants others to see. As compared to a social media platform where your peers might tag you in derogatory posts, which might leave a negative impression on your digital footprint.

Charissa’s post taught me about how displaying authenticity on our social media profiles is key to gaining credibility. She also mentioned the concept of personal branding – which the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group, or organization.


(Source: Authority Alchemy)

Learning about the Personal Branding helped me to understand the concept of developing a professional digital profile better, as developing one is akin to “selling myself”. Questions I should ask myself when developing a profile would  be: Am I displaying myself in a good light? Am i showcasing my talents on my profile appropriately? Am I being authentic yet consistent on my social media profiles?

Since developing a good professional digital profile has gained much importance in this day and age, maybe Governments around the world should look into educating people on this topic in schools and workplaces, so that job-seekers and employees will be able to create appropriate and professional digital profiles, meanwhile avoiding incidents such as the Justine Sacco tweet.

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Check out the posts I have commented on:

Charissa’s Post

Elvina’s Post


Topic 3: Developing your professional digital profile

Fresh out of university and figuring out how to secure a job? I have 4 tips to share with you on how to develop a professional digital profile. But first, why is this important?

A study by Jobvite revealed that social recruiting is now the norm, and 93% of recruiters actually use or plan to use social media to support their recruiting efforts.

Now, that’s a lot of potential employers you could possibly reach out to. So now that you are aware of the importance of a professional digital profile, let’s move on to the steps.

1. Do some housekeeping.


(Source: Jobvite)

Potential employees are always looking for reasons not to hire you. Firstly, ensure that your basic information is consistent throughout all your social media profiles. Having consistent information throughout your profiles can assure authenticity.


(Source: My Facebook & Twitter Profiles)

Secondly, ensure that you practice proper social media etiquette to maintain your professional image. Always be mindful of your language, and treat others as how you would like them to treat you. This article might give you some tips on how.

2. Showcase your talents.

If you are intending to pursue a career or is passionate about a hobby that is related to digital media, you should definitely showcase your works on your social media profiles. Remember, your social media profile is now akin to a resume, so you should not be afraid to show off your talents.

(Source: Timothy Mcgurr –@13thwitness on Instagram)

3. Create a LinkedIn profile


(Source: Jobvite)

Employers prefer LinkedIn as their main source for selection. Thus it is essential to create a good profile. Here are some tips that may help you:

  • Use updated profile photos
  • Be honest about your qualifications
  • Get colleagues to review you on your work and skills

This video will give you additional tips to help your profile shine:

4. Get creative with your profile/ online resume

It is good to have specialized resumes for the different jobs you are applying for. Do proper research on the company, and look out for the skillsets that they seek. A good example is Elski Felson – who noticed that Snapchat was hiring and decided to send his resume in the form of a Snapchat story.

I hope these tips will help you and your resume shine amongst the crowd in the fiercely competitive job market. Good luck and may the odds ever be in your favour!

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